What other successful

entrepreneurs say

"Alex does a great job! Very proactive

and open to feedback! Highly

recommend you talk to him first!"

- Jim Edwards

Co-founder of FunnelScripts, Founder of

CopyAndContent.Ai and best welling author

"Anyone who gets to work

with you, is one lucky person!

- Liz Benny

Founder and CEO of

The KAPOW Movement

"Just with what we did this month and

a half we're going to add between

450-600k [...] in high ticket consultancy sales"

- Ricardo Hernandez

Founder and CEO of HGBS

Consourcing and Owner of

Global Magnetic Systems


Case study: how we turned $2.622 of ad

spend into $500,000+ in high ticket

sales in less than two months

Ricardo contacted me to boost his consultancy high ticket sales. What we did for him was creating a funnel system that consistently spits 10-15 clients per month (each at 50k).

We achieved this by creating a creative funnel strategy, some simple ads, a lead magnet, and a series of emails that had +50% consistent open rates.

Oh, and all with less than 3k of ad spend. How will a system like this one impact your business once we implement it for you? Let's have a chat to how it's possible for you too.

  • 6.6% Funnel conversion rate

  • x190 ROAS

  • +50% email open rates

Click The Button Above To Message Alex


Partnering With Alex is a SHORTCUT

to reaching your business goals

Ever thought where your business would be if all the 'marketing people' you've hired during all these years provided actual results?

In an industry where honesty and caring is a scarce resource, my job is to partner with successful and mission driven entrepreneurs to help them reach their goals.

Not as a freelancer. Not as an agency. No as someone who will work with 30 other companies at the same time.

I'm talking about partnering with you, and only 2-3 other partners, to provide fast feedback loops, implement effectively, and deeply care about your mission and help you achieve your goals.

I'm just 20 - but I already have a solid track record doing it for industry leaders. This might be your chance!! But we will only know if we have a chat.

Click that beautiful blue button down there to message me ;)


A Super Funnel is a

SHORTCUT to reaching

your business goals

"This is what we've been trying to do for 3 years with no success"

That's what 99% of our clients say when they see how our automated system consistently generates clients for them.

If you could put 1€ into a machine and get out 5€ every time, knowing it will happen, do you think it would be hard to achieve your goals?

In most cases, we end up stopping the campaigns or reducing the spend to a minimum because these clients reach maximum capacity.

Our thing is to create mechanisms that allow you to capture as many clients as you can handle without being present, taking an integrated approach to client generation: because nobody wants or needs just leads. You need clients and sales.

And if you've been investing countless resources without success when you have the infrastructure to scale to 7, 8, 9, or 10 figures and all you're missing are the clients: we need to talk as soon as possible.


Case study: how we turned $2.622 of ad spend into $500,000+ in high ticket

sales in less than two months

Ricardo contacted me to boost his consultancy high ticket sales. What we did for him was creating a funnel system that consistently spits 10-15 clients per month (each at 50k).

We achieved this by creating a creative funnel strategy, some simple ads, a lead magnet, and a series of emails that had +50% consistent open rates.

Oh, and all with less than 3k of ad spend. How will a system like this one impact your business once we implement it for you? Let's have a chat to how it's possible for you too.

  • 6.6% Funnel conversion rate

  • x190 ROAS

  • +50% email open rates

Book your free SECRET TO SCALE call now and I'll show you the whole process

Let's have a 20 min value conversation now to talk

about your business goals and see how we can

make this process work for your business

"the spanish cmo of your dreams"

What Dozens of Industry Leaders Have

To Say About Working With Alex

"Alex does a great job! Very proactive and open to feedback!

Highly recommend you talk to him first!"

- Jim Edwards

Co-founder of FunnelScripts, Founder of CopyAndContent.Ai,

and best welling autho.

"Anyone who gets to work with you, is one lucky person! [...] You're among the best funnel builders in the industry"

- Liz Benny

Founder and CEO of

The KAPOW Movement

"He took the reigns without any direction, and easily boosted our conversions on one of our low ticket funnels. I’d definitely recommend him [...]"

- Joel Erway

Legendary Marketer and

Owner in Joel Erway


You won't regret having a

20 minute conversation

"If you just want to embrace your craft and have someone take care of your funnels, he is the best"

- Nancy Penttila

Founder of Inner Miracles and

co-founder and CEO of the

Whole Body Wellness Centre

"Soon, you won't be able to work

with him because he is going to be booked out. That's how good he is

- Cathy Domoney

Award Winning Author and

founder of Raising Leaders

"Not only is he absolutely amazing but he is so down to earth. He’s creative, he’s fun, and you will never regret one moment of time you spend working with him"

- Scott Stellmon

COO & Chief Investment

Officer at Trestle Financial


You won't regret having a

20 minute conversation

"Alex does a great job! Very proactive and open to feedback!

Highly recommend you talk to him first!"

- Jim Edwards

Co-founder of FunnelScripts,

Founder of CopyAndContent.Ai

and best welling author

"Anyone who gets to work with you, is

one lucky person!

- Liz Benny

Founder and CEO of

The KAPOW Movement

"Soon, you won't be able to work with him because he is going to be booked out. That's how good he is"

- Cathy Domoney

Award Winning Author and

founder of Raising Leaders

Pon una cita ahora

So LET me SHOW you...

How I would drive results once

we start working together


Crafting your winning strategy

We plan the strategy that will provide the best results. In this phase, we develop the funnel strategy, ads, emails, and value proposition for maximum market penetration and acquisition of ideal clients.


Creating the actual funnel

Depending on the chosen strategy, we will create a sequence of pages that builds trust with your prospects to facilitate sales, bringing you the highest number of quality clients and increasing the average transaction value per customer.


Flooding you with ideal leads

Once the funnel is ready, we launch the ads to make sure all your ideal clients see your value proposition at its finest. With just a 'click' in the ad manager, your business will never be the same again.


Building loyalty and recurring clients

+90% of sales happen days after they land on the funnel. To leverage this, we design email sequences that not only educate but also build a meaningful relationship with your audience, setting the stage for recurring dream clients.


Optimizing and scaling

Once the system is up and running and you're seeing results, we'll continue to optimize the ads, funnels, and emails for 60 days to ensure you achieve the best possible outcomes.


You're in good hands!

"I would like more headaches and

less revenue" - Literally No One.

"If you just want to embrace your craft and have someone take care of your funnels, he is the best"

- Nancy Penttila

Founder of Inner Miracles and

co-founder and CEO of the

Whole Body Wellness Centre

"Soon, you won't be able to work with him because he is going to be booked out. That's how good he is"

- Cathy Domoney

Award Winning Author and

founder of Raising Leaders

"Not only is he absolutely amazing but he is so down to earth. He’s creative, he’s fun, and you will never regret one moment of time you spend working with him"

- Scott Stellmon

COO & Chief Investment

Officer at Trestle Financial


How we drive results once

we start working together


Crafting your winning strategy

We plan the online strategy that will yield the best results. In this phase, we develop the funnel strategy, ads, emails, and value proposition for maximum market penetration and acquisition of ideal clients.


Creating the actual funnel

Depending on the chosen strategy, we will create a sequence of pages that builds trust with your prospects to facilitate sales, bringing you the highest number of quality clients and increasing the average transaction value per customer.


Flooding you with ideal leads

Once the funnel is ready, we launch the ads to make sure all your ideal clients see your value proposition at its finest. With just a 'click' in the ad manager, your business will never be the same again.


Building loyalty and recurring clients

+90% of sales happen days after they land on the funnel. To leverage this, we design email sequences that not only educate but also build a meaningful relationship with your audience, setting the stage for recurring dream clients.


Optimizing and scaling

Once the system is up and running and you're seeing results, we'll continue to optimize the ads, funnels, and emails for 60 days to ensure you achieve the best possible outcomes.


If there's something telling you that 'this might be it', take action now

If you have made it this far chances are that we should talk. Let's have a 20 min conversation to see how we can make this work for you


Meet Your Future Secret Weapon

Hey! My name is Alex Ortega. Here's a bit about myself:

When I was 7 I started playing the piano. People liked my music so I did some concerts here and there.

Then, when I turned 12 I started windsurfing. By the time I was 13 I was Spanish champion, and after winning some other pieces of metal and an European championship I decided to stop when I was 18.

Then I found marketing and fell in love with it. I’m a nerd. And I ended up working with cool people like Jim Edward’s, Liz benny, Joel Erway, and other cool guys who I won’t name because I was shy and didn’t ask them for a testimonial lol.

I enjoy what I do and I strive to be the best. And I only work with projects I feel excited and aligned with. What’s the purpose of this game if not?

Ey! Me alegro de que quieras aprender más sobre la persona que está detrás del servicio que probablemente estés considerando.

Yo no aprendí marketing digital de la forma corriente...

De hecho, no podía decirle a nadie cómo lo hacía porque me tachaban de iluso o loco.

Empecé con 18 años a aprender sobre embudos de venta en su sentido más estricto: páginas de venta.

Sin exagerar, me encerré en mi habitación en el pequeño piso que alquilé con mis ahorros de cuando competía en windsurf (más sobre eso después), leyendo 10 horas diarias durante varios meses.

Tomé la decisión de empezar a emprender mientras estudiaba ADE y Derecho en Valencia, carrera que no era para mi, y tras finalizar mi última temporada como deportista de élite en windsurf (siendo campeón de españa en múltiples ocasiones y campeón de europa) mientras hacía algún que otro concierto tocando el piano.

Se podría decir que he tenido una vida variada hasta el momento.

Volviendo al marketing, tras pasar un par de meses leyendo a los principales autores de marketing, estrategia y psicología, decidí empezar a ejercitar estos conocimientos.

Lo primero que hice fue, como se hace en el deporte de competición, encontrar a un buen mentor que me pudiera guiar y enseñar en el camino.

Y así conocí a Liz Benny, empresaria Australiana con un negocio de 7 cifras, para quien trabajé de forma gratuita a cambio de la experiencia de aprender en un negocio en funcionamiento y real.

Hice lo mismo con otros 2 negocios.

2 meses más tarde era el encargado de todos los departamentos de marketing y había aprendido barbaridades, así que seguí trabajando gratis a cambio de cursos de formación y consejos.

6 meses más tarde, cuando ya me quedaban menos de 500€ en la cuenta bancaria, decidí que era hora de comercializar mis servicios, pues ya había obtenido resultados para mucha gente y confiaba en mis habilidades.

Poco sabía entonces que para ese momento estaba entre los mejores funnel builders de la industria, y en el momento en que empecé a cobrar por mis servicios grandes ídolos me contrataron en muy poco tiempo.

Jim Edwards, uno de los mejores escritores de texto de venta (copy) de mundo, me contrató en múltiples ocasiones para encargarme de sus embudos.

Nancy Penttila y Cathy Domoney, coaches reconocidas a nivel mundial por su impacto en el ámbito de la neurociencia, me pidieron que hiciese sus embudos.

Incluso una empresa de 9 cifras (más de 100,000,000€) colaboró conmigo para un proyecto de generación de leads que generaba +700 contactos en horas. Una auténtica experiencia.

Creé mi nombre en el mercado americano con mi empresa

"Super Funnels", hasta que un día me presentaron a un cliente que era español (en ese momento sólo trabajaba por referidos de forma muy selecta).

Era la primera vez que hacía un proyecto en el mercado español, y para mi sorpresa, obtener resultados era tan sencillo como entretenido, pues podía escribir en mi idioma natal.

Encantado con esta experiencia decidí crear "Clientes Automáticos" para traer el conocimiento que cultivé al mercado español.

Y tras lanzar 8 campañas más, creé la página que ahora mismo estás leyendo.

Soy joven, viviendo en Sri Lanka, y muy susceptible de caer en prejuicios ajenos. No obstante, mis resultados hablan por si solos y tengo el orgullo de tener evidencia de ello.

Mi objetivo es ser el major marketer del mundo, y como cuando gané el campeonato de europa de windsurf, lo voy a lograr.

Si has leído hasta aquí lo más probable es que merezca la pena que hablemos sobre ti y tus proyectos, para ver si te puedo ayudar. Haz click en el botón de abajo para reservar un hueco en mi calendario personal para que hablemos sin compromiso alguno.

Encantado de conocerte y entusiasmado por ayudarte,

Alex Ortega.

Ey! Me alegro de que quieras aprender más sobre la persona que está detrás del servicio que probablemente estés considerando.

Yo no aprendí marketing digital de la forma corriente...

De hecho, no podía decirle a nadie cómo lo hacía porque me tachaban de iluso o loco.

Empecé con 18 años a aprender sobre embudos de venta en su sentido más estricto: páginas de venta.

Sin exagerar, me encerré en mi habitación en el pequeño piso que alquilé con mis ahorros de cuando competía en windsurf (más sobre eso después), leyendo 10 horas diarias durante varios meses.

Tomé la decisión de empezar a emprender mientras estudiaba ADE y Derecho en Valencia, carrera que no era para mi, y tras finalizar mi última temporada como deportista de élite en windsurf (siendo campeón de españa en múltiples ocasiones y campeón de europa) mientras hacía algún que otro concierto tocando el piano.

Se podría decir que he tenido una vida variada hasta el momento.

Volviendo al marketing, tras pasar un par de meses leyendo a los principales autores de marketing, estrategia y psicología, decidí empezar a ejercitar estos conocimientos.

Lo primero que hice fue, como se hace en el deporte de competición, encontrar a un buen mentor que me pudiera guiar y enseñar en el camino.

Y así conocí a Liz Benny, empresaria Australiana con un negocio de 7 cifras, para quien trabajé de forma gratuita a cambio de la experiencia de aprender en un negocio en funcionamiento y real.

Hice lo mismo con otros 2 negocios.

2 meses más tarde era el encargado de todos los departamentos de marketing y había aprendido barbaridades, así que seguí trabajando gratis a cambio de cursos de formación y consejos.

6 meses más tarde, cuando ya me quedaban menos de 500€ en la cuenta bancaria, decidí que era hora de comercializar mis servicios, pues ya había obtenido resultados para mucha gente y confiaba en mis habilidades.

Poco sabía entonces que para ese momento estaba entre los mejores funnel builders de la industria, y en el momento en que empecé a cobrar por mis servicios grandes ídolos me contrataron en muy poco tiempo.

Jim Edwards, uno de los mejores escritores de texto de venta (copy) de mundo, me contrató en múltiples ocasiones para encargarme de sus embudos.

Nancy Penttila y Cathy Domoney, coaches reconocidas a nivel mundial por su impacto en el ámbito de la neurociencia, me pidieron que hiciese sus embudos.

Incluso una empresa de 9 cifras (más de 100,000,000€) colaboró conmigo para un proyecto de generación de leads que generaba +700 contactos en horas. Una auténtica experiencia.

Creé mi nombre en el mercado americano con mi empresa

"Super Funnels", hasta que un día me presentaron a un cliente que era español (en ese momento sólo trabajaba por referidos de forma muy selecta).

Era la primera vez que hacía un proyecto en el mercado español, y para mi sorpresa, obtener resultados era tan sencillo como entretenido, pues podía escribir en mi idioma natal.

Encantado con esta experiencia decidí crear "Clientes Automáticos" para traer el conocimiento que cultivé al mercado español.

Y tras lanzar 8 campañas más, creé la página que ahora mismo estás leyendo.

Soy joven, viviendo en Sri Lanka, y muy susceptible de caer en prejuicios ajenos. No obstante, mis resultados hablan por si solos y tengo el orgullo de tener evidencia de ello.

Mi objetivo es ser el major marketer del mundo, y como cuando gané el campeonato de europa de windsurf, lo voy a lograr.

Si has leído hasta aquí lo más probable es que merezca la pena que hablemos sobre ti y tus proyectos, para ver si te puedo ayudar. Haz click en el botón de abajo para reservar un hueco en mi calendario personal para que hablemos sin compromiso alguno.

Encantado de conocerte y entusiasmado por ayudarte,

Alex Ortega.


Meet the mind behind

Super Funnels

My name is Alex Ortega, and yes, I'm quite young.

In the last season, I've been in charge of multiple digital marketing departments and have worked directly with 7, 8, and 9-figure businesses that needed my help to get more sales and clients.

Now, to help coaches & consultants that really need this service, my focus is on achieving extraordinary results for clients like you by applying the knowledge I gained while growing these businesses.

If you want to have a chat to see how this can benefit you, click

the button below and let's talk.


Who I can confidently help

This is not for:

  • Struggling new businesses who don't have a proven record & offer looking for someone to build a business for them. I'm probably not the best fit for you.

  • Businesses that sell shady or scamming products or services. I only help businesses who provide real value to their customers.

  • Businesses who just want 'a few more clients' and don't have the infrastructure to grow at least 100k more.

This is for you if:

  • You're a service provider that already has a proven offer and business model where marketing is the missing piece.

  • You are looking for a long term partnership, you're willing to invest in your businesses and seeking an increase in revenue of at least $100,000.

  • You’ve been burned by other agencies or inexperienced freelancers and are willing to trust our expertise and give us full control to do our best work



Who we can

confidently help

This is not for:

  • Struggling new businesses who don't have a proven record & offer looking for someone to build a business for them. We’re probably not the best fit for you.

  • Businesses that sell shady or scamming products or services. We only help businesses who provide real value to their customers.

  • Businesses who just want 'a few more clients' and don't have the infrastructure to grow at least 100k more.

This is for you if:

  • You're a service provider that already has a proven offer and business model where marketing is the missing piece.

  • You are looking for a long term partnership, you're willing to invest in your businesses and seeking an increase in revenue of at least $100,000.

  • You’ve been burned by other agencies or inexperienced freelancers and are willing to trust our expertise and give us full control to do our best work


AND IF YOU're like the classic style...

Do You Already Know You Want To Work With

Me? Book a Call Below And Take A Shortcut

And let's have a no-obligation 20-minute call to get to know each other

(Plus showing you our winning ads, funnels,

emails, and all the system without

holding anything back!)



Some common asked questions

¿Do I need this? ¿What can I get with a system like this one?

The question is: "Do I need more clients and do I have the capacity to handle them?"

If you're already generating 7 figures annually, have the infrastructure to scale, and the only thing missing is clients, then YES, this is for you.

Our value proposition is straightforward: we flood your business with ideal clients through automated acquisition systems.

And unlike other online services that might offer 'funnel builds' or at its best, 'leads', we provide you with actual clients through sales calls booked.

Moreover, we don't charge 'per lead', but rather for each successful deal your sales team closes. Having our goals aligned is crucial for achieving extraordinary results and maintaining a long-term relationship.

If you think this might be for you and are interested in exploring how we can help you, I invite you to have a conversation to talk about how to get your goals.

"How long does it take to get the system up and running?"

Once we start working together, we'll provide you with a detailed phase-by-phase timeline.

To give you a snapshot, the system will be up and running in 14 days (ads, sales pages, emails, and automations), and we'll spend the next 60 days optimizing it for you to improve outcomes, test audiences, and boost performance.

Typically, the system sees a positive ROI in the first phase. After 10 days of optimization, we often see results increase by 200-500%, with our agency minimum ROI after optimization being 10x (invest 1€ in ads, get back 10€).

In some cases, like the case study shown on this page, the return is massive, like 190x (invest 1€, get back 190€), but to stay professionally conservative, we usually only quote a 5x return.If you're keen on getting a system that brings clients to you on demand within 14 days, book a time to see how we can make it happen.

"What do I need to do to make this work? What's required from me?"

Once we start working together, the process is straightforward:

1. We meet and discuss your specific situation.

2. You fill out an onboarding form where we'll ask about your ideal customer, value proposition, and other questions + any visual resources we can use in the system.

3. We review everything together before launch, and then you can sit back and relax while we maintain it for you, providing weekly performance reports and updates (and checking in every few days to make sure everything's on track).

Essentially, our aim is to free you from having to spend time on client acquisition again. Our processes make this as effortless as possible for you while making sure you get results.

Have more questions? DM me by clicking here.

How much does this system cost? When we work together, do I pay the ads?

If you could put 1€ into a machine and get out 5€ knowing it will happen, how many dollars would you invest? The amount we invest in advertising depends on how many clients you want.

And yes, you will be the one paying the ads (if we run any).

In most cases, we end up stopping the campaigns or reducing the spend to a minimum because they reach capacity.

So before you schedule your call, calculate how much extra revenue you want in your business, and if it's at least €100,000, we can work together to help you achieve it.

Our fees are variable with a minimum fixed component. In fact, 93% of our revenue is variable, charging a minimum as a sign of commitment and seriousness.

So you can rest assured that our interests are more than aligned ;)

What do I do now?

Click the button below to schedule a conversation with me to see how I can assist you and provide some good value in a 'no obligation' call.

Do you have any other questions?

If there's something telling you that

'this might be it'- take action now

If you have made it this far chances are that we should talk. Let's have

a 20 min conversation to see how we can make this work for you

If there's something telling you that 'this might be it'- take action now!!

If you have made it this far chances are that we should talk!!

Let's have a 20 min conversation and I'll show you our winning

ads, funnels, and emails to provide you with some value and

see how we can make this work for both. I'll see you on the call :)

Time to stop scrolling, my friend.

If you have made it this far chances are that

we should talk. Book a free discovery call by

clicking the button below.

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Facebook and Google are trademarks of their respective companies.

This website is not owned by or affiliated with Facebook

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are trademarks of their respective companies.

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Note: The successes and testimonials featured on this page are real and verifiable, but they do not guarantee or predict a specific (or better) outcome for other clients. Revenue growth and improvements in systems can vary significantly from one business to another due to various factors, including, but not limited to, market conditions, internal management, and individual effort.